Friday, May 15, 2009

God Loves Us =D

Have I a heart of stone,
So cold and dark within.
That I can view the Savior;
In anguish for my sin.
And never sorrow feel,
For all he sacrificed?
Have I got a heart of stone,
To watch the bleeding Christ?

Have I no eyes to see,
That I can stand so near.
And watch the Savior wounded
But never shed a tear?
Can I but coldly gaze,
upon his painful loss?
Have I no eyes to see,
God's Lamb upon the cross?

As I behold the blood,
And view the Crucified.
The piercing thought overwhelms me.
Twas for my sin He died!
Lord make my heart to feel,
Thy suffering on the tree.
Lord break this heart of stone,
And make my eyes to see.

Well, this song spoke to my heart for awhile, and even now it still does. How in today's society everything is just so available for us, where we do not need to do anything to earn it to get it. Our heart somehow hardened against the things of God when his Word, actions and grace was freely extended to us. Some of us even hear the truths so much that we reject them even more the when we hear it another time. How wicked the human heart is, and Jeremiah 17:9 explained it so thoroughly. . I can go on and on, but I'm pretty sure that you all are getting what I'm saying. . How cold our hearts is for the things of God, and how our heart longs and craves for the things of the world, how sad. . And whatever I say, applies to me as well. .

I was at Uncle Morris's place today, and am just so glad to spend time talking with him. . We shared on many stuff thats happening in our lives and God just blessed that time, truly enjoyed his company and he's always a man that I look up to for the things he did for God, how he live his life really impacted me. .And even through this, I know that God is always in the picture, for he can do nothing apart from God. .

We watched 2 online sermons, the first one was 8 mins though, can't really remember the Preacher's name but it was great! Talked about God who is so high above wanting to dwell with anyone who desires to seek him. The other one is none other than Paul Washer, which I suggested that we should watch. .I've seen it for at least 3 times already, and each time I caught it, somehow God used that to speak to my heart and challenged me to love him more day by day.
The message that stir my heart for the day is. .

The most important thing is not about knowing Christ personally,
It is whether Christ knows you personally

Hope that this post bless your heart =D

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