Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just Lose Control

Hello world, the sun rays are filtered out by the curtains and my head is in the clouds.
This injury of mine is dreadful. But at least there are signs of recovery, all I'm worried about now are the sudden appearance of bruises. But that's not going to stop me, soon as the swell subsides fully, so be it I will return to the courts and start training, full swing ahead!?
And judging from my above attached picture, surely it isn't slowing me down from climbing around furniture and the lonely nights away.
Okay, on to the rather serious matter. *Mid Term examinations* Oh my Gosh are they knocking on the piling stress door. Well, not that I'm yanking any hair out from my head at the moment, but soon enough it's going to hit me (lets say this Wednesday night). Damn.
What can I say, I'm known for being very last minute. Not something I'm proud of but heck, it's hard to change a person's natural habit. Agreed? *shake your head*
Oh, and to do my indecisive mind in even more, next week's going to be American Idol rising of the next superstar (which i so think is going to be Adam Lambert*bias tone) week. And although the results are rather clear, that doesn't exactly mean I'll miss it for the world. So hell yeah juggling A~ I and revision will be tough, judging from the fact Orchestra practise is scheduled on the first day. *lets out a long 'da-yem*
But whatever, I'll make time for both, I can manage that.
I suppose. Agreed? =P

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